
Dragon Allegiant

Dragon Allegiant

Demacia Demacia - Unit Unit
"You know it pains me to admit it, old boy, but we can't tame him alone. We've done what we can already. I'll send word to the general, and with the might of Demacia behind us, we're sure to bring that fantastic beast to its knees."

Карта в колодах

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Shurima Targon Demacia Runeterra Noxus ShyvanaMorganaLee Sin
Shurima Targon Demacia Runeterra Noxus ShyvanaMorganaLee Sin
Shurima Targon Demacia Freljord Runeterra Noxus ShyvanaMorganaLee Sin
Shurima Targon Demacia Runeterra Noxus ShyvanaMorganaLee Sin
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